A full-suite operational lease platform

Santos Dumont is a long-established leader of aviation technical advisory services and have managed aircraft throughout each stage of the lifecycle. With our team today still coming from a technical background, it continues to form the foundation of our asset management support services.

Having worked with most of the leading lessors over the last 15 years we have a core framework from which to support new entrants and growing platforms. Today, we are proud to be counted as a focal point for independent technical knowledge that supports residual value of each aircraft investment strategy.

A full-suite operational lease platform


  • Advisory Services
  • Asset Management
  • Operating Lease Platform
Advisory Services
Advisory & Market Analysis

We have worked to great success with many of the leading lessors, helping them to build their own internal teams and processes, and provide technical and market analysis across the full aircraft lifecycle. We truly believe that longevity in the aviation business requires both deep technical expertise and bandwidth, and offer resource secondment, process review and cost management benchmarking to support your strategic objectives.

Acqusition & Transaction Support

Santos Dumont has a long established pedigree in originating and managing transactions, and regularly support order campaigns, sales, lease negotiation and joint-ventures. Our position in the market, working with airlines, financiers, private-equity, securitizations, insurance providers, lessors and governments has provided a unique perspective and relationship network.

Asset Management
Asset Management

Santos Dumont has directly managed and supported lessor asset management activities since our inception. All our asset managers have a core technical background and have spent considerable time working with many of the leading leasing companies in the market today, supporting everything from backend asset data and quality assurance, to on-site lessee engagement and receivables management.

Transition Management

As a world leading outsource provider for aircraft transitions, our asset management offering is both remote and local in its design. We believe in the value of a global network of airline relationships to support the full spectrum of asset management, remarketing and strategic goals. Our deal team structure allows us offer plug-in expertise across commercial, engines and technical teams to manage any asset type at any stage of its life.

Operating Lease Platform
Outsource Leasing Expertise

Santos Dumont has developed a full service outsource lease platform to support both existing and new leasing customers.

Our platform is built around the Santos Dumont Value System (SVS) which supports key leasing functions such as: Marketing, Remarketing, Asset Management, Physical Aircraft Inspection, Technical Records Review on location and remote, Risk, Legal, Accounting and Finance.

Our teams can plug in to support key projects for lessors to supplement their existing bandwidth or provide additional local coverage from our global support network.